Talent, technology and tradition for first quality candles.

Spiral candles and sphere

Wide range of colours and sizes for our spiral candles and spheres. The traditional craft milling of the candles (which initially are realized cylindrical and and subsequently machined with hot-cutters) creates different forms of spirals from which nice twists. For any further information you may need, pls., do not hesitate to contact us.

Spiral candles and sphere


A=  Art. 10-012   (45x65) G=  Art. 10-022   (Ø 120) O=  Art. 10-039   (47x110)
B=  Art. 10-017   (Ø 50) H=  Art. 10-033   (38x75) P=  Art. 10-041   (80x190)
C=  Art. 10-018   (Ø 60) I =  Art. 10-034   (47x65) Q=  Art. 10-042   (100x150)
D=  Art. 10-019   (Ø 70) L=  Art. 10-035   (47x90) R=  Art. 10-043   (100x150)
E=  Art. 10-020   (Ø 80) M=  Art. 10-036   (55x110) S=  Art. 10-049   (100x200)
F=  Art. 10-021   (Ø 100) N=  Art. 10-037   ( 55x90) T=  Art. 10-067   (45x65)

Spiral candles and sphere



1 =  Art. 10-031  (38x90)   
6  =  Art. 10-045  (100x200) 11 =  Art. 10-065  (65x120)
2 =  Art. 10-032  (38x55) 7  =  Art. 10-046  (80x120) 12 =  Art. 10-066  (Ø 70)
3 =  Art. 10-038  (47x150) 8  =  Art. 10-047  (40x55) 13 =  Art. 10-068  (65x200)
4 =  Art. 10-040  (55x160) 9  =  Art. 10-048  (40x90) 14 =  Art. 10-069  (65x120)
5 =  Art. 10-044  (100x200) 10 =  Art. 10-064  (65x160) 15 =  Art. 10-070  (80x150)


Cereria G.Giovanelli S.r.l.
Via Baita n°22 - 38079 Tione di Trento
Telefono: 0465321108
P.iva e C.f. 01812430229 - REA: 179441 - Cap. soc. 50.000 Euro i.v. | privacy | cookies